
Green Crow offers customized estate planning and end-of-life consulting with a secular and spiritual perspective, presenting relevant options and local resources to help inform choices and decisions.

What are our Services?

Green Crow consulting services include assisting with the process of understanding, planning and administering a client’s preferences, in the event of a debilitating medical condition, emergency, or in the event of death.  Clients may choose individual sessions or may include the participation of others in the confidential, counseling and decision making process. 

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Who Needs Green Crow?

Green Crow offers sacred and secular preparation consulting, for people who are not yet planning on dying, people with urgent need and people who like to plan ahead, for the inevitable.

Environmentally conscious consumers who are looking to plan ahead for the inevitable can use our consulting service to assist them through the sometimes difficult challenge of end-of-life planning. 

Why Do You Need to Plan for Death?

Clients who use Green Crow’s services can enjoy the benefit of enhanced peace of mind during their transition in the end.

Green Crow believes in the intrinsic, cultural, value of reclaiming the ancient tradition of caring for those who are ill and having funerals at home, as well as the positive impact of the environmental benefits of non-toxic preparation of the body and natural burial. It is up to you to choose and share your written wishes


Our Philosophy

Uncertainty creates mortal urgency. There are no guarantees that any of us have even another moment to live, as the global pandemic has recently made crystal clear. No one escapes death, so consider starting as soon as possible, immediately, and take the very first steps to prepare and get organized for the inevitable, so your loved ones do not have to deal with a huge mess, if/when you die.

No real estate is permanently valuable but the grave.

— Mark Twain (Notebook #42, 1898)